Blog: Dog and Cat

Parasite Control and Prevention

Parasites are harmful to your furry and human family members as well. Parasites like fleas and ticks can cause serious diseases and infections in your pet. Unfortunately, parasitic infections can transmit from pets to humans and thus, prevention is the best care you can provide to your pet and your...

Nutritional Counselling

Have you ever wondered if your pet needs to watch their caloric intake or if the amount of protein in their diet is enough? A nutrition consultation helps you answer such questions, understand what you are doing right and what new measures can help you better your pet’s quality of...


Does the thought of losing your pet on a walk or them wandering out when a door is left open worry you? Microchipping might be the answer to reduce your concerns. This preventative measure can help you be reunited with your pet in such unforeseen circumstances. Microchips are grain-sized RFID...

Heartworm Testing

Heartworms are a serious cause of concern for many pet parents, especially canine parents. Heartworms are foot-long worms infiltrating the heart, lungs and other associated blood vessels in pets. They can cause serious damage to your pet’s health and can lead to heart failure, lung failure and damage to other...